CSDA Data Request Form

Thank you for your interest in accessing data through the Commercial Satellite Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program. For more details on who is eligible to access CSDA data, please see the CSDA website. To request authorization, please complete the CSDA Data Authorization Form.

All items marked with an asterisk are required.

If you have questions or concerns about the information requested below, please contact the CSDA Program Data Management Team: support-csda@nasa.gov

Please provide a nasa.gov (preferred) or institutional email

Click on box for calendar pop up, or use YYYY-MM-DD format for manual input
There is a 30-day latency for data. If you would like data for dates that are currently unavailable, please submit another request after thirty days have passed from those dates.

Click on box for calendar pop up, or use YYYY-MM-DD format for manual input
There is a 30-day latency for data. If you would like data for dates that are currently unavailable, please submit another request after thirty days have passed from those dates.

Units of Decimal Degree
Ensure that the AOI does not exceed 55,000 km².

Units of Decimal Degree
Ensure that the AOI does not exceed 55,000 km².

Units of Decimal Degree
Ensure that the AOI does not exceed 55,000 km².

Units of Decimal Degree
Ensure that the AOI does not exceed 55,000 km².

If you would like to specify additional Planet parameters, please include a note here.

Default filter values are autofilled. Please update them if needed.
Range: 0 to 1. The entered value will filter scenes with cloud cover that is less than or equal to this percentage. This means that a 1 captures the maximum number of scenes.

Default filter values are autofilled. Please update them if needed.
Range: 0 to 360. The entered value will filter scenes with sun azimuth that is greater than or equal to this degree. This means that a 0 captures the maximum number of scenes.

Default filter values are autofilled. Please update them if needed.
Range: 0 to 90. The entered value will filter scenes with sun elevation that is greater than or equal to this degree. This means that a 0 captures the maximum number of scenes.

Default filter values are autofilled. Please update them if needed.
Range: -25 (West) to +25 (East). The entered value will filter scenes with a view angle that is less than or equal to this amount. This means that a +25 captures the maximum number of scenes.